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Here are some projects  I  have worked on.

Oncology Case Studies Project -- Project developed for client on 8/15 that reads data from case study XML files, searches for that data in a text file to retrieve more information, and prints all data to .CSV file.


SecurePassG – Generates secure passwords that would thwart most password guessing software.   Two versions were created, one is written in Java and the other in C#.


Encrypto and Encrypto App - Open source encryption software  started 6/2011 (in Java).  Android App available and apps for IOS or Blackberry can be created as per request.


The Presidents – Website that utilizes PHP & MySQL.


Coins4Sale – Web site that utilizes PHP, MySQL, HTML, and CSS.  Log-in, basic message board, content management, and homepage creation features have been implemented.

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